Karen Allan
Who are you?
I am Karen. I am a proud Glaswegian from a working class background with a passion for producing work that is of interest to marginalised communities. I am an LGBT Ally.
How did you get here?
Having left school not really knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up (still don't) I was offered a place on a new government initiative which was a Youth Training Scheme for school-leavers which was a 2 year paid training opportunity.
My placement was Cumbernauld Theatre. My knowledge of theatre was panto... (oh yes it was!) I worked in the box office and administration office during my placement as well as attending college.
This is where I fell in love with theatre and I stayed there for 17 years learning all there is to know in terms of producing theatre.
I currently work full time as a producer for National Theatre of Scotland and I produced "The Coming Back Out Ball" in Scotland which was a National Theatre of Scotland and All the Queens Men co-production, in partnership with Eden Court and Luminate, and in association with Glasgow City Council. ‘…a welcoming space for the whole rainbow community to come together to share stories and meet new people.’
The Coming Back Out Ball | National Theatre of Scotland (nationaltheatrescotland.com)
After this project ended I continued to keep in touch with the LGBT Elders from the project and seek opportunities and be an advocate for LGBT people as a productive ally.
I am currently part of the National Theatre of Scotland LGBT Charter Mark Champions Team.
What is your role with the Culture Club Collective?
I am a volunteer with Culture Club Collective in a producing capacity which means I organise the events, look after the budget, work with the LGBT forum on project delivery all supported by Sanctuary Queer Arts.
What does the Culture Club Collective mean to you?
It means the world to me. I am very lucky to be part of the project as an LGBT ally and I have nothing but love for those I work with and those who attend Culture Club activities. I feel truly welcomed and valued and I am here to offer time as much as I can.